Industry status
Natural energy - the wind power generation is in the center of it.

Key Policies

'RE 3020', an energy conversion plan that everyone participates and enjoys
The goal of reaching 20% for the proportion of renewable energy generation by 2030
More than 95% of new facilities planned to be supplied with clean energy such as wind power and solar power
Goals to be achieved via Community Wind and large-scale projects.
Planned location system led by local autonomous entity (local government)
- Acceptability/ Environment-friendliness to be secured in advance, sharing development benefits
◦ [Procedure] Metropolitan autonomous entity (local government) identifies the site → (Central government authorization) → Provision of sites/ to private company → Establishment of a development plan for the sites by a private company → (Central government approval / Authorization to be processed as agenda)
◦ [Acceptability improvement] Introduction of local town participation invitation method, local resident acceptability priority assessment and other measures to be prepared at planning review
◦ [Environment-friendliness review] Site development basic/implementation plan review strategy in advance /Mandatorily conduct Environmental Impact Assessment
◦ [Contributions to the Community] Sharing of development profit(Business operator → local autonomous entity (local government)), Provide contribution plans such as local support projects
Phased progress of large-scale projects by considering local residents' Acceptability/Environment-friendliness
Strengthening competitiveness of the renewable energy industry
- Mid-and-long term R & D roadmap → Verification → Expansion including system improvement → Export industrialization
- Establishment of R & D roadmap: (short term) Reduction of unit price, the pursuit of technology → (Mid to long term) Preemption of the next generation technology
Construction of Renewable Energy Innovation Growth Cluster: Integration of industrial, academic, research, and infrastructure (harbor, industrial complex, etc.)
Renewable Energy Portfolio Standards
>> A system that requires a power generation company (supply obligator) that has 500MW or more of power generation facilities
except renewable energy facilities to supply over a certain percentage of renewable energy in the total generation amount
Mandatory supply ratio
Year `12 `13 `14 `15 `16 `17 `18 `19
mandatory ratio (%) 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 6.5
Year `20 `21 `22 `23 `24 `25 `26
mandatory ratio (%) 7.0 9.0 12.5 14.5 17.0 20.5 25.0
Total mandatory supply : 62,808,128MWh
Supply obligator
division Supply obligator
GroupⅠ Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Korea Western Power Co., Ltd
Korea South Eastern Power Co., Ltd Korea Southern Power Co., Ltd
Korea Central Power Co., Ltd. East China Power Co., Ltd.
GroupⅡ Korea District Heating Corporation Daerun Power Co., Ltd
Korea Water Resources Corporation S- Power Co., Ltd
SK E&S Pocheon Power Co., Ltd
GS EPS Dongducheon Dream Power Co., Ltd
GS Power Paju Energy Service
POSCO International GS Donghae Power Co., Ltd.
CGN and Yulchon Electric Power Co., Ltd. Pocheon IPP Co., Ltd
Pyeongtaek Energy Service Sinpyeongtaekbaljeon
NaraeEnergy Goseong Green Power
Gangneung Eco Power  
Related Laws
- Article 12(5) of the New Energy and Renewable Energy Development, Use, and Promotion Act
- Guidelines for Management and Operation of New and Renewable Energy Supply Mandatory System and Fuel Mixture Mandatory System
REC(Certificate of renewable energy supply) Weight
REC : Renewable Energy Certificate, 1MWh = 1REC
division Weight 비고
Onshore Wind Power 1.2 -
Offshore Wind Power 2.0 The basic weight of coastal offshore wind
2.5 Basic weight
* Weight Calculation formula : Linkage distance exceeds 15km, Depth of water exceeds 30m
Medium and large-sized wind turbine KS Certification System
>> To achieve the goal of the national New & Renewable Energy Policy, input subsidies. When the certification criteria are met, the national (arbitrary) certification system allows KS mark for mid-to-large-sized wind turbine production companies with the duty to install.
>> The mid-to-large-sized wind turbine certification system was introduced and implemented in 2014 to support the expansion of renewable energy and industrialization, and from July 29, 2015, it has been converted to KS Certification System according to the government's certification integration policy and is being enforced.
Facility subject to Certification
- Rotor area over 200m2 onshore wind turbine, medium and large maritime wind turbine
- Rotor area less than 200m2 wind turbine will be in accordance with the Renewable Energy Facility certification procedure
Basic procedure for issuing KS certificate for medium and large wind turbine
KS certificate facilities related laws and major benefits
- Enforcement Decree of the Development, Utilization and Promotion of New Energy and Renewable Energy Act, Article 19(Promotion of utilization and supply of new and renewable energy)
∙ New and renewable energy facilities installation support and mandatory business by the government, Mandatory New and Renewable Energy Supply System (RPS) to be the first priority application
- Article 25 of the Industrial Standardization Act (Priority purchase of certified products)
∙ Priority purchase for procurement of government agencies, local governments, public agencies and public corporations
- Article 23 (Contract by Local Competitive Bidding) Enforcement Decree of the Act on Contracts with the State Parties
∙ Nomination and Nomination Competitive Bidding for Contracts with State Parties in relation to the Government, Special Rules